Fasting FAQ
Fasting FAQ
Why Should I Fast?
Why Should I Fast?
Fasting has been shown to increase metabolic function. It gives the body a chance to heal. You will burn fat.
Who Can Fast?
Who Can Fast?
How Long Can I Fast?
How Long Can I Fast?
What Are The Benefits of Fasting?
What Are The Benefits of Fasting?
What Electrolytes Do I Need While Fasting?
What Electrolytes Do I Need While Fasting?
What Studies Show the Benefits of Fasting?
What Studies Show the Benefits of Fasting?
Does Coffee Break My Fast?
Does Coffee Break My Fast?
What is Autophagy?
What is Autophagy?
What is Ketosis?
What is Ketosis?
What Should I Break My Fast With?
What Should I Break My Fast With?
Does Tea Break My Fast?
Does Tea Break My Fast?
Does Fasting Put You In Starvation Mode?
Does Fasting Put You In Starvation Mode?
Will I Lose Muscle On A Fast?
Will I Lose Muscle On A Fast?
Do Zero Calorie Sodas Break My Fast?
Do Zero Calorie Sodas Break My Fast?
What Breaks My Fast?
What Breaks My Fast?
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Do I Need to Supplement While Intermittent Fasting?
Do I Need to Supplement While Intermittent Fasting?
Do I Need To Take A Multivitamin While Fasting?
Do I Need To Take A Multivitamin While Fasting?
What's the Longest Anyone Has Ever Fasted?
What's the Longest Anyone Has Ever Fasted?
Is There A Video That Explains Fasting?
Is There A Video That Explains Fasting?
Check Out Dr. Jason Fung's Lecture Series: The Aetiology of Obesity (linked below)